Ruby Goblin of Rime
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 1* (S)
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 1 spear or swarm (see below)
Damage: 1d6 or see below
No. Appearing: 2d10 (6d12)
Save As: F1
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: (R) C
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Chaotic
XPV: 13
Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).
The Ruby Goblins are a peculiar species of small bright-red-skinned ugly humanoids that live exclusively in the caves along the coast of Rime, especially near the mouths of the rivers that cut through this land. They are barbaric, tribal, and subsist on what they can wrest from the land and take from others.
When encountered as a large group, Ruby Goblins will cluster together and swarm over opponents. It takes five Ruby Goblins to attempt a swarm attack. The opponenent must make a saving throw vs. Paralysis/Turn to Stone with a -1 penalty for each Ruby Goblin over five that is involved in the swarm, to a maximum of -5. Ten Ruby Goblins can fit inside a 10'x10' space. If the save is failed, the victim takes 1d4 damage plus 1 per Ruby Goblin in the swarm (to a maximum of +10), and they are held prone on the ground (the penalty for the amount of Ruby Goblins in the swarm is larger than the penalty to saves for being prone, so this penalty is used). The process repeats the next round until the character breaks free with a successful saving throw. Ruby Goblin swarms can be broken apart by attacks from the outside that reduce their numbers to below five.
Terrain: Open, River, Cavern.
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