Monday, February 5, 2024

Cryptid: Mothman of Mason County, WV

Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  7** (L)
Move:  120' (40')
    Flying:  180' (60')
Attacks:  2 fists
Damage:  1d6/1d6
No. Appearing:  0 (1)
Save As:  M7
Morale:  7
Treasure Type:  Nil
Intelligence:  15
Alignment:  Chaotic
XP Value:  2050

    Monster Type:  Monster (Very Rare).
    In our world, this creature has seen a lot of press. In the world of Dark Appalachia, it has not.  With 12' moth-like and somehow also bat-like wings, standing 8' tall, weighing 500 lbs, this creature has a mixture of facial features of moths and humans.  It has bright red-glowing eyes, likes being around bridges, and appears near the area of disasters before they occur.  It also has a reputation as a fire-starter, but no one is quite sure why this creature does any of the things it does.
    The gaze of the mothman has the power to hypnotize victims into unconsciousness. If the mothman is within 120' and a creature meets its gaze, the victim must save vs. paralysis or fall unconscious for 1d6 minutes. Upon waking, the formerly unconscious character is sick for the next 24 hours and must apply a -2 (-10%) to any roll attempted.  The mothman can also teleport as the spell at will to a distance of 120' with no chance of error.  It also has the following spell-like abilities, useable at will:  heat metal, produce fire.
    Terrain:  Mountain, Settled, Woods.

Inspired by S1 E5 of Mountain Monsters

AI Generated Art

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