Thursday, February 8, 2024

Cryptid: Yahoo of Nicholas County, WV

Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  5 (L)
Move:  150' (50')
Attacks:  2 fists or 1 club
Damage:  2d4/2d4 or 2d8
No. Appearing:  0 (1d10)
Save As:  F5
Morale:  6
Treasure Type:  Nil
Intelligence:  6
Alignment:  Neutral
XP Value:  175

    Monster Type:  Humanoid (Very Rare)
    Often also called the West Virginia Bigfoot, the Yahoo is a 7-8' tall, black-hair-covered, ape-like humanoid that weighs between 800 and 1200 lbs.  It's quite aggressive, dangerous, and fast, but if pressed in combat, it tends to flee as often as it fights.  It's named for its call, a distinctive sound that resembles the word "yahoo."  It lairs in nests of branches that are 20' long, 6'-7' high, with a 3' tall sleeping cavity inside.  The branches are woven tightly and neatly together.
    In combat the Yahoo attacks with its fists, which are quite powerful weapons, but just as often comes after intruders in its territory with a great club, usually fashioned from a log or weighted branch, with knobs and bits of spiky broken smaller branches at the business end.
    Terrain:  Woods.

Inspired by S1 E9 of Mountain Monsters.

AI Generated Art

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